Tuesday, April 28

You want a WHAT? . . .

Peter came up to me, this evening, and asked this question . . . .
"Mommy. . . I want another baby. . . can we have another baby?"

Notice the 'we' in that sentence?

I did what any civilized and mature mother would do,

I told him to go ask Daddy.

. . .that stopped things very quickly.


Sarah said...

You are brilliant.

Jen said...

Jacob has been asking for a little while now for a baby brother. I've finally come to the point where I am content with 3 kids, so I asked Nathan the other day if I could start giving away some of our baby things. His response..."Well, what if we have another boy?" WHAT?!?! Men are too confusing!

Chloe and Libby said...

Ha ha! That was a good one! You are a smart mommy!

DrMommy said...

That was some quick thinking.

We've actually had the opposite issue here -- we've mentioned having another baby to the girls (NOT NOW, calm down!), and they are not particularly enamored of the idea!