Tuesday, May 27

First Dose of "Brother-Battle'!!

The other night, I laid James on the floor so that I could brush my hair, then, I heard Peter laughing, not just laughing, rolling on the ground, belly-laughing. I thought "Oh, this must be really cute. . .let me run and get my camera to make sure to capture this silliness" - or so I thought. I walk into the Living Room to find Peter hovering over James and having his James' nose in a finger-lock, pinching it as tight as can be, until James can't breath and begins gasping for air. Then, Peter would laugh. I had to, first of all get Peter off of James, and not knowing what to say, the only thing I could utter out completely (while struck with anger and fear) is . . ."GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Which was used on me often as a child, and now I see how easy it is to say those words when you don't know what else to say or do. Poor James, his nose was beet red and he started to cry, but as soon as I picked him up, and profusely apologized to him, he started giggling. I love that babies have a short term memory brain, I think that helps us Mommy's. I had to explain to Peter why NOT to do what he just did.
So, as it stands today, we here at the Weldon home have a 'NO touching face' policy for anyone who he comes in contact with. Maybe it wasn't THAT hard for Cain to kill his brother. . . maybe he just liked to watch him gasp for air??? :0)


The Myricks said...

I just pictured Cain holding his brothers nose...its like when your older sibling holds a pillow over your face or pushing you under at the pool. its that underlying desire to be better than the other!!!